Mon to Fri: 09:00 - 17:00

+385 91 4010 911


Smart Wi-Fi for everyone

A unique specialized, custom Wi-Fi solution on the market. The highest speeds and an unlimited number of users on the Wi-Fi network. Hotels, shopping centers, coffee bars, restaurants, clubs, sport facilities...



  • Protected and NOT User-friendly wi-fi networks
  • Sped limit per user
  • Problem with large number of simultaneous users
  • Slow, limited and unstable connection


  • Instead of speed limits per user - SMART resource allocation
  • Smart user management
  • Dedicated computing - Cloud


  • Technologically advanced solution that allows great amounts of simultaneous connections on Wi-Fi hotspot without usual disruptions, while offering high quality internet access with maximum speed available
  • The first and currently unique solution in the world
  •  Basis and foundation of every Smart City platform – Smart Wi-Fi, public services, IOT…
  •  Public places – promenades, squares, parks, beaches or just – whole city covered with one, the same Wi-Fi network...
  • Public institutions and big establishments - hotels, malls, arenas, congress halls, hospitals, clinics, airports, stadiums…
  • Public transportation - taxi, rent-a-car, buses, trams, ferries…


Find and select (((MEDIAKING))) Wi-Fi network.

Find and select (((MEDIAKING)))  Wi-Fi network.

Now it will be displayed Popup banner.

Now it will be displayed Popup banner.

Banner with destination page will be displayed.

Banner with destination page will be displayed.

Click the button to activate Wi-Fi.

Click the button to activate Wi-Fi.

This will take us to the predefined redirect page.

This will take us to the predefined redirect page.

Contact us

Croatia +385
3 + 2 =

Contact us

Croatia +385
1 + 9 =


MediaKing Group is a Croatian company specialized in Smart IT solutions and services, primarily intended for cities and municipalities and public services in general. We also offer specialized solutions for both large and small companies and individuals. 
